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About Us

Cinematographers. Filmmakers. Storytellers.
There is more to a story or brand then simply just words or a pretty logo, there is emotion, depth, blood, sweat and tears that go into them. They are who we are.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video should definitely be worth a trillion. Online video content has recently skyrocketed, making up 80% of all Internet traffic in 2017. Why? Because video increases conversion and engagement rates more than any other content. Whether you have an eCommerce store, a local gym or a big successful business, adding a video to your website can help turn visitors into enthusiastic clients. As a matter of fact, your visitors will stay an average of 2 minutes longer on your site if it has some video on it. Google’s algorithms will love this extra-time and will reward you with a better rank in page results on search engines (also known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO).


What you need are professional videos, talking about your brand, products/services or customers.


This is where we come in. 

We are a team of Cinematographers, Filmmakers, and Storytellers that have come together to create visually appealing stories for your brand, for you.
We wouldn’t do it if we didn’t love it. Every project is a new opportunity for us to push ourselves to be better storytellers, filmmakers and creative partners. We love taking risks and trying new things. Our hope is to craft authentic stories that inspire.
Lets create something that shows that. 
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